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I would be happy to talk with you about anything.

Limited period (until September 2024)

Low prices are being offered.

One consultation: 500 yen (original price 3,000 yen)

After September, we would like to set the fee at 1,500 yen per case.

After registration as a mental care psychologist,

We would like to offer this service at 3,000 yen per case.

Number of consultation days per case: to be discussed prior to the consultation ( at this time, please let us know in advance if the consultation will exceed 30 days).

Please note that we will discuss this with you as a guide only,

Please do not worry if there is an error of a few days. m(_ _)m

Phone consultation: We will meet with you as needed (basically on weekday evenings or weekends/holidays) (⚠︎ + 500 yen).

Please note that we do not have access to a PC, so we will be using a smartphone for all correspondence.

Genres and Contents of Consultation

The following consultation genres and contents are currently being accepted.

1. The consultant's own mind

1-1. Organizing or organizing the person's mind

1-2. Analysis and summary of the person's mind

1-3. Resolution of the person's mental problems

2. Relationships between the consultant himself/herself and other people

2-1. Analysis and summary of your relationships with others

2-2. Resolving relationship problems between the individual and other people

3. Issues related to the consultant's own love life

3-1. Analysis and summary of various issues related to the consultant's own love life

3-2. Resolving various issues related to the consultant's own love life

4. Life planning

4-1. Skills to become rich, etc.

4-2. Consultation on the need for mental control training

(We are still learning about the method,

In principle, consultations are accepted after a prior meeting with the consultant himself/herself).

4-3. Consultation on the need for mind control

(We are still learning about the method,

In principle, consultations are accepted after a prior meeting with the consultant himself/herself).

5. Complaints, small talk, everyday life.

5-1. Please tell us anything.

Please note that only number 5 will be considered as a "need to be heard" concern.


Consultants are available for more than one genre and content at a time,

We will only accept your request if you agree that it is "acceptable to have a halfway (mixture)".

Before consulting: ......

1. We recommend taking notes in advance based on the following information.

(Not mandatory)

2. Which of the above genres/contents does it fall under?

Example: 1-2, 4-1, etc.

3. The time or times when the event occurred and the period of time since the event occurred.

4. as a type of consultation,

I want you to listen!

I would like to see this resolved!

Which type is it?

Special note

1. since I have only a beginner-like knowledge of psychology,

Please be aware and accept that you are talking to an "ordinary person".

2. Please note that I have almost no experience in love.

3. Please note that we are not rich.

4. Just to be safe, the following items are strictly prohibited.

4-1. Moral and compliance views, etc,

Violation of social principles.

4-2. Others, none so far.

That is all.

5. There is something equivalent to refusal, and we may have to decline your consultation.

6. as a result of the consultation,

Please note that it is practically difficult to guarantee effectiveness.

The above is an overview.

Thank you for reading to the end. m(_ _)m

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プロフご覧くださり ありがとうございますm(_ _)m 現在、PCが無いですので、 全てスマホでのやり取りになる事を、 予めご了承くだされば幸いです。 勉強・練習中リスト ・FP3級 ・こころ検定4級と3級 ・ITパスポート 取得済み資格等リスト ・パソコン"利用"技術検定3級 ・情報技術検定3級(乙4) (⚠︎これら2つの資格は高校在学時に取得したものになりますので、 知識や技術のアップデートは出来ておりません) 僕の特徴はこの通りです。 以下メモ帳より選出 【自分の特徴(自己評価)Ver.14】 1 ・物忘れが激しくて、メモが必須。 ・メモを見るのを忘れる。 2 ・マルチタスクが出来ない。 ・2つ以上の物事の同時進行が出来ない。 3 ・知識が狭くて、語彙力が低い。 4 ・情報処理能力がとても低い(IQで言うと68)。 5 ・頭がぼーっとすることがある(15秒〜30秒くらい)。 ・ぼーっとしている間の記憶があったりなかったりする。 ・小学3〜4年生くらいの時から。 ・頻度は1日に1回以上。 ・疲れている時に起こりやすい。 6 ・時間を間違えることがある。 ・例)12時(午後0時)と14時(午後2時) 7 ・滑舌が悪くて、噛んだりどもったりする。 8 ・優柔不断でマイペースで慎重派。 9 ・リスク低減、安全特化タイプ。 10 ・天然ボケなところがある(防止不可)。 15 ・B2級の療育障害者(知的障害)手帳持ち。 16 ・ASD(自閉スペクトラム症)持ち(一部、ADHDもあるかも?)。 21 ・正直過ぎて、場の空気を読みづらいタイプ。 22 ・オーバーリアクションをしない。 ・ノーリアクションもありうる。 23 ・神経症的傾向が高い。 ・ちょっとした事で、すぐに精神不安定になる。 25 ・上から目線になりがち ・言葉選びや表現等が、不適切な場合が多々ある。 26 ・人混みが苦手 ・人がそこに物理的に存在するだけで、とても疲れるタイプ。 以上、ご覧くださりありがとうございますm(_ _)m



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