Here's a handy Excel VBA template for you!
For those who want to create programs in Excel VBA
Why not make it easy?
There are four patterns that have been frequently encountered in the work I have done to create Excel VBA programs.
We have created a template of those four patterns.
Four template files will be provided with the purchase of this service.
By assembling a program based on the template file provided when creating the program, the creation time can be greatly reduced.
For beginners of Excel VBA
Wondering where to start?
If you purchase this template, the frequently occurring patterns have already been created.
All that remains is to create additional programs to suit each business.
Why not get this template as a first step?
The templates provided are as follows
①. Select and open a single file
②. Select multiple files and open them in sequence.
③. Select a folder and open all files under the selected folder in order.
④. Copy the model sheet and create a new file.
For example,
It is often the case that you open a file and want to change or extract values.
In this case, if you use template ①, the file selection, opening, and closing parts have already been created, so you can concentrate on writing the main process, such as value changes and extraction.
For example,
Suppose you have multiple files of the same format, and you want to extract certain items from all of the files and aggregate them.
If you have multiple files in one folder, you can use template (3), which already implements the part of selecting a folder and opening all the files under the folder in order, so you can concentrate on the main process of extracting a certain item.
The four files I provide are the ones I actually use for shortening the time.
We hope that this service will make Excel VBA programming as easy as possible to implement.
Thank you for reading this far.
Please consider purchasing <(_ _ _)>.
This program is compatible with Windows.
The system may not operate properly on Macs.
Seller information
FXトレーダー&何か作る人です。 FXはドル円中心に裁量トレードと自作の自動売買プログラムで稼いでいます。 何か作る人は何か作る人です。 Webアプリ、スマホアプリ、Chromeの拡張機能、Pythonで自動化プログラム、Excel VBAで自動化プログラム、絵、小説、ぬいぐるみ、ゲーム 何か作っています。 今はスマホゲーム作りをコツコツやっています。 何かございましたらお声がけください。
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Easy programming with Excel VBA (**)
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