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Helping you take a new step in your marriage activities, Luck Bridal

We provide marriage consultation and counseling services.

Expanding nationwide! Online consultations are available across the country.

Affiliated with the Specified Nonprofit Corporation Japan Life Design Counselor Association

Completed management course at Japan Nakodo Federation Co., Ltd.
Certified as an excellent member by the National Marriage Consultation Business Federation
Certified marriage counselor by Nakodo Academy
Regular member of the Japan Bridal Federation
Obtained the Maru-Teki mark
The Maru-Teki mark is a special mark awarded to marriage consultation services that have cleared the strict standards set by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Service Industry Productivity Council, and have undergone examination by the Japan Life Design Counselor Association.
Our members include 200,000 men and women across the country.

Our consultation service complies with the law and is closely connected to the local community, providing everyone with peace of mind and safety.
Our safety and reliability are proven by obtaining the Maru-Teki mark.

The "Maru-Teki mark" is a special mark awarded to marriage consultation services that have cleared the strict standards set by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Service Industry Productivity Council, and have undergone examination by the Japan Life Design Counselor Association.
This is a proof of our commitment to protecting customer trust in accordance with laws and quality standards.

Rack Bridal Club takes pride in the Maru-Teki mark and provides a sense of security to our customers.
We assist you in walking together on a wonderful journey towards marriage and support your happy future.
We look forward to your inquiries under the assurance of safety and trust.

1. For those who are not good at matching apps or proactive approaches

We support natural encounters for those who are not good at matching apps or proactive approaches.
We provide comfortable meetings through events and activities that utilize hobbies and skills.

2. For those who are struggling with apps

For those who wish to marry but find it difficult to meet through matching apps, our marriage consultation service can help.
We provide a real meeting place and support you in building a serious partnership.

3. For those who desire a traditional matchmaker approach

For those who desire a traditional matchmaker approach, our marriage consultation service is the best choice. We provide heartfelt support and reliable connections.

4. For those who have not taken a step towards marriage

For those who have not taken a step towards marriage until now, we help you utilize past experiences to take a step towards the future.
We support self-growth and new beginnings.

5. For those bound by past relationship traumas

We provide support to help you envision a positive future without being trapped by past traumas.
Our matchmakers will support your growth and walk with you towards a new beginning.

6. For those who cannot imagine the future

We will help you set specific goals and plans for the future and envision a bright future together.
Let's take steps towards marriage together.

7. For those with little or no experience dating the opposite sex

For those with little or no experience dating the opposite sex, we provide opportunities to meet in a relaxed atmosphere.
Natural communication will expand through hobbies and common interests.

8. For those with no experience dating the opposite sex

We provide an environment where those with no experience dating the opposite sex can engage in marriage activities with peace of mind.
Reliable encounters and excellent support are here.

9. For those who get nervous around the opposite sex

We provide support to ease your nerves and enjoy communication with the opposite sex with confidence.
Let's proceed with marriage activities step by step with peace of mind.

10. For those who have given up on love and marriage

We will help you find new possibilities without giving up.
We will think together about approaches suited to each individual towards ideal marriage.

11. For those who have lost confidence due to failures in love

We provide support to overcome past failures and regain confidence.
By accumulating successful experiences, you can move forward positively to a new stage.

12. For those who are busy with work and have no opportunities to meet

Even while being busy with work, we will explore ways to allocate time for marriage activities and help you meet your ideal partner.
New encounters are possible even amidst busyness.

13. For those who have no one to rely on for marriage activities

We are confident in our reliability and support system.
As a marriage consultation service, we will help you meet the perfect partner and take the first step towards a happy future.

14. For those worried about being able to marry with a low income

In marriage, understanding and trust between partners are important, not just income.
We will help you convey your values and future vision and meet someone with whom you can grow together.

15. For concerns about your child not getting married

We sincerely address concerns regarding your child's marriage and support encounters with ideal partners.
We will assist the entire family in building a happy future.
We, Rack Bridal, are sincerely committed to helping our customers achieve happy marriages.
Please feel free to consult with us.


What kind of people are registering as members?
This is a membership system only for those who want to "get married." It is not a place for finding a romantic partner. This is a membership consultation room only for those who are seriously considering marriage. Submission of various certification documents is also required, so only those with a solid identity can join.
How many people can I meet?
There are some people who meet many others almost every week, while there are also those who are quite cautious. If you actively engage, there are plenty of opportunities, so you can meet many people. I recommend meeting during your own time off, and I think about four times a month would be good? I believe that by being proactive, you can meet many people.
What kind of people are here?
The age range is broad, from people in their 20s to those in their 60s. The most common age groups are in their 30s and 40s, followed by those in their 20s, 50s, and 60s. The occupations are varied. Many are from the Kanto region, and recently there has been a trend of increasing female representation. The most common age groups are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, followed by those in their 50s and 60s.
There have been reports of dating site incidents, but is your company okay?
This is a marriage consultation agency that helps you find a safe and secure marriage partner. To achieve this, we require the submission of necessary documents during the membership interview and conduct an assessment at the time of enrollment. Membership qualifications: Individuals aged 20 and over who are single Those who are seriously considering marriage Those who are not cohabiting or in a relationship with a specific person Individuals with common sense as working adults (men must be employed in a stable job) *Even if you meet the above qualifications, we may refuse membership during the interview. Documents to be submitted: Items you need to prepare (1, 2, and 3 must be within the last three months) 1. Registration photo (first impressions are determined by the photo, so it is important) 2. Certificate of single status (issued by the local government office of your registered domicile) 3. Identification documents (copies of health insurance card, driver's license, pension book, passport, resident registration, etc.) 4. Graduation certificate (for those with a junior college degree or higher) 5. Withholding tax statement or income certificate (for men only) 6. For those with qualifications such as doctor, lawyer, or other national qualifications, a copy of that certification 7. Seal (hanko)
Who is LuckBridalClub suitable for?
If you are looking for a marriage consultation agency where you can casually consult about anything at any time If you are looking for a marriage consultation agency that has a solid support system until marriage If you want to get married as soon as possible If you are struggling because things didn't go well at other marriage consultation agencies If you have no opportunities to meet potential partners If there are no suitable candidates for marriage around you If you are busy with work and have no time to search for a partner If you lack confidence in dating with the opposite sex If you are looking for a marriage consultation agency that offers advisor introduction services If you want to further refine yourself and have a more wonderful marriage

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ご挨拶 私達夫婦で結婚相談所をしております。人生100年時代、山あり谷ありの長い人生を、独りよりは二人で手を取り合いながら生きていければ素敵ですね。 楽しい事、嬉しい事ばかり続くのでしたらいいのですが、長い人生そうはいきません。 一人ではどうする事も出来ないような大変な時に、そばにいてくれる人がいるだけで 心強いですし、二人なら先に進むことが出来たりします。 結婚して27年今も仲良く、とても幸せです。結婚の大切さを理解していますから、結婚を願う人のご縁をお繋ぎし、「末永く幸せな結婚生活が続く結婚」をしていただくことを目指します。 「この先どうすればいい?」「パートナーが欲しい」などの心の内を聞いてほしい方の相談に寄り添います。 どうぞお気軽にご相談ください。 Luckbridalclubの現在 結婚相談所Luckbridalclubへようこそ。 私たちは、ピアノ教師と事業家という異なる経歴を持つ夫婦が運営する、少人数制の手厚いサポートの結婚相談所です。 日本仲人連盟(NNR)、全国結婚相談事業者連盟(TMS)、日本ブライダル連盟(BIU)の豊富な会員数のシステム検索と仲人による紹介、AIマッチング、婚活セミナーを通じてご縁を結びます。 親御婚活や、20代30代の方、40代から60代のシニアの方の婚活に寄り添いながら、時には人生相談のようになりながら、人生の伴走者としてあなたの未来を彩ります。 ピアノ教師と事業家それぞれの経験と知識を活かし丁寧なサポートで理想の結婚へ導き、「末永く幸せな結婚生活が続く結婚」をしていただく事を目指しています。ご成婚後の見守りも致します。 結婚を考えている方にとって出会いの場の選択肢(マッチングアプリ、婚活パーティー、結婚相談所)が多様化して迷っている人達も増えています。 結婚を考えている方に、少しでもお役に立てるように、婚活に関する情報を日々ブログやSNSで発信しております。 また無料婚活相談会や、交流会を定期的に開催しております。 婚活で悩んでいる方、安心して相談できる場所をお探しの方、 ぜひ一度お気軽にご相談ください。



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Original price2,000 JPY

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148.05 JPY=1 USD

I am here to help fulfill your marriage wishes.

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