Create an EA with your indicators or logic!
We will create an EA with indicators or original logic.
Creation will be done only for MT4. Delivery will be in EX4 format (mql4 is not for sale).
We will create it with a template that has features richer than ever before.
List of features that can be attached to the EA
This is a bullet point list regarding the EA settings. Simple explanations are also added.
### Basic Settings
- `Note`: Order comment (default is "AAA")
- `MagicType`: Choose between automatic or manual setting of MagicNumber (default is automatic)
- `MAGIC`: MagicNumber when set manually (default is 100)
- `Slippage`: Allowed slippage (default is 3 pips)
### Entry Type
- `EntryType`: Choose whether to enter when a new bar occurs or in the middle of a bar (default is new bar)
### Entry Conditions
- `ShowArrow`: Whether to display arrows (default is not displayed)
- `reverse`: Whether to reverse the entry direction (default is not reversed)
- `OneEntryPerCandle`: Allow only one order per candle (default is not allowed)
- `TradeIndices`: Whether to trade in the index market (default is not)
- `ShowDisplay`: Whether to display text information (default is not displayed)
### Trade Lot Settings
- `Maxspread`: Maximum allowable spread (0 to disable)
- `TRADE`: Trade type (default is both "buy and sell")
- `MaxPosition`: Maximum number of positions (default is 1)
- `BaseLots`: Base lot size (default is 0.01)
- `MaxLot`: Maximum lot size (0 for unlimited)
### Lot Size Increase
- `USE_Martingale`: Whether to use the Martingale method (default is not used)
- `LotSizeMulti`: Lot size multiplier (default is 2)
### Take Profit / Stop Loss Settings
- `takeprofit`: Take profit point (in pips)
- `stoploss`: Stop loss point (in pips)
- `TP_SL_Modify`: Whether to automatically adjust take profit and stop loss (default is yes)
### ATR Stop Loss
- `Use_ATR_Stoploss`: Whether to use ATR-based stop loss
- `TIME_FRAME_ATR`: Timeframe used for ATR calculation (default is current timeframe)
- `ATR_Period`: ATR calculation period (default is 14)
- `ATR_Multi`: Multiplier for ATR (default is 1)
### Risk Reward Settings
- `Use_RiskRatio`: Whether to use risk-reward ratio
- `RR`: Risk-reward ratio (default is 2.0)
### Order Interval Settings
- `Use_Order_distance_Pips`: Whether to set order intervals (default is not used)
- `Order_distance_Pips`: Order interval (default is 10 pips)
- `Distance_Multiple`: Multiplier for order intervals (default is 1)
### Close on Reverse Signal
- `ReverseSignalClose`: Whether to close positions on reverse signals (default is no)
- `Close_When_Profit`: Whether to close positions when in profit (default is no)
### Pending Order Settings
- `Use_PendingOrder`: Whether to use pending orders (default is no)
- `Pending_pips`: Distance setting for pending orders (default is 5 pips)
### Time-Based Stop Loss
- `UseTimeBasedStopLoss`: Whether to use time-based stop loss
- `TimeBasedSLMin`: Close orders after a specified time (default is 60 minutes)
### Risk-Based Lot Size Increase
- `Use_Risk`: Whether to increase lot size based on risk
- `Risk_percent`: Percentage of risk tolerance (default is 2%)
### Martingale (Double Lot on Loss)
- `Use_Martingale`: Whether to use Martingale on losing trades (default is no)
- `Max_martingale`: Maximum number of Martingale steps (default is 4)
- `Multiplier`: Lot size multiplier (default is 2)
### Trailing Stop
- `Use_trailingStop`: Whether to use pip-based trailing stop
- `TS_Start`: Starting point for trailing stop (default is 25 pips)
- `TS_Stop`: Stop loss distance after trailing stop starts (default is 10 pips)
### Break Even Settings
- `UseBreakEven`: Whether to use break even (default is no)
- `MoveToBreakEven`: Starting point for break even (default is 4 pips)
- `PipsProfitLock`: Pips to lock in profit (default is 0)
### Basket Profit Settings
- `Use_BasketProfit`: Whether to use basket profit (default is no)
- `Type_of_basket_close`: Type of basket close (default is based on lot size)
- `Manual_input_dollar`: Dollar amount for manual close (default is $10)
- `Balance_percentage`: Percentage for closing based on balance (default is 2%)
### Basket Stop Loss
- `Use_Basket_Stoploss`: Whether to use basket stop loss
- `Type_of_Stoploss_close`: Type of stop loss close (default is based on balance percentage)
- `Stoploss_dollars`: Dollar amount for manual stop loss (default is $200)
- `Balance_percentage_SL`: Stop loss based on balance percentage (default is 3%)
### Time Filter
- `Use_TimeFilter`: Whether to use time filter (default is no)
- `Start_Time`: Trading start time (default is 02:00)
- `Finish_Time`: Trading end time (default is 09:00)
### Grid Orders (Martingale)
- `Use_Attack_Martin`: Whether to use grid orders (default is no)
- `Grid_LotSizeType`: Lot size type (default is linear)
- `Lot_Multiplier`: Lot size multiplier (default is 2)
- `Max_Martin`: Maximum steps for Martingale (default is 5)
### News Filter
- `Use_News_Filter`: Whether to use news filter (default is no)
Download news data from the Forex Factory site.
Stop the EA during high impact news times.
Alternatively, it is also possible to run the EA only during high impact news times.
### Partial Close
- `Use_PartialClose`: Whether to use partial close
- `takeprofit2`: Take profit point for partial close (default is 5 pips)
- `CloseOrderPercentage`: Percentage of orders to close (default is 10%)
### Trade End Settings
- `Use_OrderCloseInMin`: Whether to close orders after a specified time (default is no)
- `CloseMin`: Time until close (default is 15 minutes)
### Daily/Weekly Profit Target
- `Use_Daily_Target`: Whether to set a daily profit target
- `Daily_profit_Target`: Daily profit target amount (default is $50)
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Original price8,000 JPY
150.07 JPY=1 USD