Increase attention with thumbnails and short videos! !
We will create a set of thumbnail images and short videos.
These are the results of thumbnails created by myself.
Coconara: Ranked 1st place x 4 books. One of them achieved annual sales of 20 million yen.
Brain: 1st overall ranking x 2 books. 1st place in the genre ranking x 4 books (1 product is my own product) Ranking within the top 10 x 5 books
Kindle: Best seller x 2 books
★Thumbnail + short video details
We will create content images and short videos for announcing the product.
Generally, corrections will be made free of charge, but if there are major changes, additional charges may apply.
Regarding character images and BGM, we will respond to the extent that they do not infringe on copyright laws, so we will not accept requests for items that infringe on copyright. please note that.
An additional fee will be charged for character production.
We not only create various content images, but also provide illustrations and explanations of the content. In addition, we may also be involved in marketing for the client, so we end with the production. We hope to build a long-term relationship with you so that this does not happen again.
Thank you.
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デザインだけではなく、商品の設計からマーケティングまで考案出来ます。 実績 coconara 副業ジャンルランキング1位総売上2000万コンテンツサポート(バナー、マーケティング、全般コンサル) Brain ジャンル別ランキング1位獲得(自身のコンテンツ) ジャンル別ランキング1位獲得(バナー×5本、図解説×2本) 商品設計から販売、マーケティングまでフルサポートもOK! 搾取されるのはもう辞めましょう。 個人で稼げる時代がもっと進む前に是非ご相談下さいませ。
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Original price15,000 JPY
149.49 JPY=1 USD