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AI/SVG (バージョン: オリジナルカラー、白黒)
Diep (Folia)
"I create beautiful designs that are suitable for client insights and delivered on time”. This is my magnetic needle at work. I am Diep Duong, a senior designer from Vietnam. I have been working in this industry for 5 years, with 2 years for an art product selling in-house business and 3 years for an e-commerce company . I major in Illustration and 2D Graphic Design. To be more specific, I would like to list what I am experienced in: ?Illustration: Key Visual, Books, Character Design with various styles. I believe a good illustrator should be good at different styles to work with any brand. ?2D Graphic Design: Key Visual, Branding & Packaging, Social Media, Marketing Materials, POSM, Brand Activation…I make sure that my designs can present the brand’s value and features.
Diep (Folia)の他のサービス
小計15.000.000 VND
162.51 VND=1 JPY