1 表情/委托
- 按步骤更新绘画过程:草图 -> 彩色草图 -> 基础色 -> 线条 -> 最终 / Update the drawing process step by step: 草图 -> 彩色草图 -> 基础色 -> 线条 -> 最终
- 在上色过程中,如果在基础色步骤后您不满意委托,我可以重新绘制/取消委托,但我会收取该委托总费用的30% / During the coloring process, after the base color step, if you don't like the commission, I can redraw/cancel the commission, but I will charge 30% of the commission's total cost
- 如果无法按照您的要求绘制,我会在接单前通知您,因此请先私信我您的要求 / If I cannot draw according to your requirements, I will notify you before receiving your order, so please dm me first about your requests.
小计50.000 VND
3,454.87 VND=1 CNY
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