Increase the number of people in the LINE Open Chat by 15!
We will increase the number of people in your line open chat!
Recommended for!
I have opened a LINE Open Chat, but I can't attract any customers.
I want to increase the number of people in the LINE open chat and make it look better.
Increase the number of participants by 15.
Just a consultation is fine! Please feel free to ask.
Please understand that we are not responsible for any problems that may occur in open chat after using this service.
Please be assured that we have warned you not to make any comments, etc. (^^)
*Please note that we are not able to respond after the second time.
Seller information
EA開発+機関投資家です。 会社の資金でEAを運用しています。 業績にかかわるので堅実なEA開発に努めています。 SNSマーケティングもスキルがありますのでスキジャンのほうでは主にオープンチャットの人数追加の案件を承っています。 ぜひ集客等でお困りの方はお役立てください(^^) よろしくお願いいたします。
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Other services of Social Media Marketing
Original price7,500 JPY
Exchange rate
149.49 JPY=1 USD
It is safe because we increase only Japanese users (^^)
0 ratings (0 people)
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1 people like this
There are 10 slots left.