A must-have Twitter success manual for business people
We will provide valuable information and strategies to those who want to use Twitter to make their management and business more effective. This time's special price is 500 yen.
- Those who are worried about not increasing their Twitter followers
- People who are having trouble getting responses to their tweets
- People who are missing out on inquiries and business opportunities from Twitter
- How to increase followers: What method did you use until you were followed by 10,000 people? →We will tell you practical methods and specific action steps.
- Tweeting Tips: 6 Tweeting Tips to get more reactions from users on Twitter → Explain how to create attractive tweets and effective content strategies.
- The key to improving your account: The importance of understanding Twitter's timeline algorithm → Learn how to master the timeline algorithm and increase your account's visibility and influence.
- Protection from libel and slander: 9 must-take measures → We will introduce measures to protect yourself from slander and flames and maintain a professional image.
- Important things to keep getting results: What you need to know to succeed on Twitter → We'll tell you strategies and tips to get long-term results.
- Make it a habit: How to make Twitter a habit? →We will introduce you to continuous activities and effective time management methods.
This manual is a valuable tool for your Twitter success. We are currently offering it at a special price of 500 yen, so don't miss out!
This manual is also aimed at managers and business people. Especially recommended for those who want to maximize their business results and increase their competitiveness through Twitter.
With your purchase, you will receive the following benefits:
✅High-quality information: We provide practical methods and know-how based on a lot of experience.
✅ Time-saving effect: By taking the right actions, you can efficiently produce results.
✅Long-lasting results: Learn long-term strategies and habits to achieve lasting results.
This manual is a must-have for anyone looking to succeed on Twitter. We are currently offering it at a special price of 500 yen, so please take this opportunity to get it. We sincerely support your business success.
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かつて、Twitter上でのトラブルに巻き込まれ、1000フォロワー目前だったアカウントを消去。 その後、Twitterの運用方法を改めて学んだ結果、再開設したアカウントではわずか2か月で1000フォロワーを超えた。それ以降、1か月でフォロワー増が約1000人を下回ることがなくなる。 その原体験に基づき、2018年12月よりTwitter運用コンサルタントとして活動を開始している。特に、初心者からのスキル習得や企業のTwitter担当者育成を得意としている。 「1週間でフォロワーが100人以上増えた」、「Twitter経由でオンラインサロンに申し込みが入った」、「Twitter経由で自社所有物件への問い合わせが入った」、「Twitterからイラスト制作の依頼が入った」といった多数の素晴らしい成果を上げる方々を次々と輩出。 また、2020年10月より企業向けのTwitter運用代行業務も開始しており、5社の運用代行に携わっている。いずれの企業も開設から1〜2ヶ月でフォロワーが1000人増える成果を実現している。Twitter経由でメルマガ購読者数を増やしたり、セミナーを誘致したり、新規顧客を獲得することにも成功。 現在も、Twitter上でのいじめや誹謗中傷をなくすため、正しい情報リテラシーやコミュニケーションの本質を伝えるTwitter運用コンサルタントとしての活動に、使命を持って従事している。金融機関での経験は通算20年あり、不動産広告営業ではMVPを2回受賞し、国内メガバンク系証券会社では役員表彰を3回受けるなどの実績がある。上級SNSマネージャーの資格を保持。
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Original price500 JPY
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The road to Twitter success: The secret to strategy and habit formation.
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