We provide consulting to attract customers on Twitter.
- Business owners : Recommended for those who want to increase awareness of their brand or business and deepen connections with customers. Use Twitter to increase your influence in your industry.
- Consultant : As a consultant who provides specialized knowledge and advice, it is important to disseminate information and build trust in your field of expertise. Use Twitter to build relationships with your target audience and attract new clients.
- Professionals: Lawyers, tax accountants, accountants, etc .: It is important for professionals to share their specialized knowledge and disseminate information on changes in the law. Use Twitter to increase your credibility within your industry and attract new customers.
- Investor : As an investor, it is useful to use Twitter to gather information and share your investment results. You can find more investment opportunities by sharing information on market trends and exchanging investment ideas.
- Build awareness and influence: Twitter is a platform with a large user base and high dissemination power. Consulting services allow you to publicize your expertise and brand, and build influence in your industry.
- Expand your opportunities to reach your target audience: Twitter gives you more opportunities to reach your specific target audience. By receiving consulting services, you can increase your chances of contacting interested people by using appropriate keywords and hashtags, increasing your number of followers, etc.
- Building trust: Twitter is a platform for real-time communication. By receiving consulting services, you can build relationships of trust by providing useful information and advice and interacting with followers. This will help you gain support and trust from your clients and customers and improve your business results.
- Get clients and business opportunities: Twitter is a platform that allows you to connect with a variety of people. By receiving consulting services, you may be able to expand your business opportunities, such as participating in seminars and events, making inquiries, and acquiring new clients via Twitter.
- How to create a profile
- How to create a profile and pinned tweets that attract followers
- How to increase followers efficiently
- Know the current algorithm and how to operate according to the algorithm
- Tips for creating tweets that get a good response
- How to analyze tweets
- The secret to attracting customers from Twitter
- “The road to Twitter success: From increasing followers to countering flames, effective strategies and secrets to making habits” ( worth 500 yen)
- “It’s okay if you don’t have 1000 followers! ``How to use Twitter to attract seminar customers that you can't listen to now'' video course (equivalent to 13,800 yen)
- 6 tweet templates that attract customers
- Please contact us via message before purchasing. At that time, please let us know the problems and worries you are thinking about on Twitter, what you want to aim for, and your Twitter account.
- After your initial video call consultation, we will provide one week of chat support. During this time, we will also accept unlimited inquiries regarding Twitter. The consultation via video call is scheduled to last approximately 90 minutes.
- The number of followers and impression rate vary from person to person, and results are not guaranteed. Please note.
- We will provide thorough support, but since it is up to you to do the work yourself, we cannot guarantee 100% results.
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かつて、Twitter上でのトラブルに巻き込まれ、1000フォロワー目前だったアカウントを消去。 その後、Twitterの運用方法を改めて学んだ結果、再開設したアカウントではわずか2か月で1000フォロワーを超えた。それ以降、1か月でフォロワー増が約1000人を下回ることがなくなる。 その原体験に基づき、2018年12月よりTwitter運用コンサルタントとして活動を開始している。特に、初心者からのスキル習得や企業のTwitter担当者育成を得意としている。 「1週間でフォロワーが100人以上増えた」、「Twitter経由でオンラインサロンに申し込みが入った」、「Twitter経由で自社所有物件への問い合わせが入った」、「Twitterからイラスト制作の依頼が入った」といった多数の素晴らしい成果を上げる方々を次々と輩出。 また、2020年10月より企業向けのTwitter運用代行業務も開始しており、5社の運用代行に携わっている。いずれの企業も開設から1〜2ヶ月でフォロワーが1000人増える成果を実現している。Twitter経由でメルマガ購読者数を増やしたり、セミナーを誘致したり、新規顧客を獲得することにも成功。 現在も、Twitter上でのいじめや誹謗中傷をなくすため、正しい情報リテラシーやコミュニケーションの本質を伝えるTwitter運用コンサルタントとしての活動に、使命を持って従事している。金融機関での経験は通算20年あり、不動産広告営業ではMVPを2回受賞し、国内メガバンク系証券会社では役員表彰を3回受けるなどの実績がある。上級SNSマネージャーの資格を保持。
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Other services of Social Media Marketing
Original price15,000 JPY
156.44 JPY=1 USD
For managers, consultants, and professionals. Setting the stage for success on Twitter
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