


Article content

Japanese article writing service for overseas companies

*Please contact us via message before purchasing the service.

We provide Japanese article writing services to overseas companies considering expanding into Japan. Our service will write high-quality articles on the following topics:

[Available themes]

①Japan's business environment and culture: We provide articles on Japan's business environment, economic growth, characteristics of the labor market, management styles of Japanese companies, etc. We will deliver valuable information to help you understand the Japanese business environment and get hints for success.

②Technology and Innovation: We provide articles on the latest technological trends and Japanese innovation. We will deliver content that conveys the appeal of Japan's technological strength and innovation in areas such as robotics, the automobile industry, electronic devices, and artificial intelligence.

③Tourism and Culture: We provide articles on Japan's tourist attractions, traditional culture, and food culture. We will introduce you to all the charms of Japan, including its beautiful scenery, historical places, festivals, traditional crafts, and unique food culture.

④Food and cooking: We provide articles about Japanese food and cooking, such as Japanese food, sushi, ramen, and Japanese tea. We deliver vivid content for readers interested in food, such as the appeal of Japanese gastronomy, the background of food culture, and the characteristics of ingredients.

Our basic service is articles of 3,000 to 5,000 characters, but we can flexibly adjust the length to suit your needs. You can also write articles based on the themes and keywords you provide. Depending on your desired word count, we will adjust the length of the article by making additional purchases. The price per character starts from 2 yen, so we will respond flexibly to suit your budget and needs.

In this service, experienced Japanese writers will write articles based on your requests. We pay close attention to the quality of our articles and provide accurate information and easy-to-read text. We also take steps to make articles more appealing, such as using citations and references appropriately, and introducing visual elements.

When writing an article, in addition to the theme and keywords you provide, we will ask for details such as the purpose, target readership, and desired delivery date, and we will conduct interviews in order to deliver a more specific article.

We help overseas companies succeed in the Japanese market through fascinating articles on Japan's business environment and culture, technology and innovation, tourism and culture, and food and cuisine.

If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to send us a message. We provide the best article writing service to suit your needs.

[Requests regarding purchase]

Before purchasing, we would appreciate it if you could send us a message with the following six pieces of information.

①Theme/Keyword (either one is fine)

② Persona (target age group, gender, etc.)

③How to write sentences (if there is no request, write in “Demasu” style)

④Desired delivery date

⑤Other special conditions, reference URL, etc.

*Please note that the delivery date will be decided upon consultation.

*We only accept simple corrections once. However, please refrain from changing the theme or rewriting the article.

*If we feel that further information is needed during the article writing process, we may request a hearing. We would appreciate your cooperation.


How are article prices determined?
Article prices are calculated primarily based on word count. Usually, the price is set per character, and the price is calculated according to the number of characters in the article. We will inform you about detailed pricing when you contact us.
What will be the delivery style and format?
Delivery is usually in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). If you require other formats, please contact us.
Is it possible to edit the article?
Yes, it is possible to edit the article. After the first delivery, please check it and let us know if there are any corrections that need to be made. However, there is a limit to the number of revisions that can be made, and usually simple revisions can only be made once.
Can I specify the theme and keywords of the article I request?
Yes, you can specify article themes and keywords according to your needs. If you contact us in advance, we will provide content tailored to your needs.
How long does delivery take?
Delivery time varies depending on the scale of the project and the details of the request, but typically it takes from a few days to a few weeks after receiving your request. Please consult with us before deciding on the detailed delivery date.
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かつて、Twitter上でのトラブルに巻き込まれ、1000フォロワー目前だったアカウントを消去。 その後、Twitterの運用方法を改めて学んだ結果、再開設したアカウントではわずか2か月で1000フォロワーを超えた。それ以降、1か月でフォロワー増が約1000人を下回ることがなくなる。 その原体験に基づき、2018年12月よりTwitter運用コンサルタントとして活動を開始している。特に、初心者からのスキル習得や企業のTwitter担当者育成を得意としている。 「1週間でフォロワーが100人以上増えた」、「Twitter経由でオンラインサロンに申し込みが入った」、「Twitter経由で自社所有物件への問い合わせが入った」、「Twitterからイラスト制作の依頼が入った」といった多数の素晴らしい成果を上げる方々を次々と輩出。 また、2020年10月より企業向けのTwitter運用代行業務も開始しており、5社の運用代行に携わっている。いずれの企業も開設から1〜2ヶ月でフォロワーが1000人増える成果を実現している。Twitter経由でメルマガ購読者数を増やしたり、セミナーを誘致したり、新規顧客を獲得することにも成功。 現在も、Twitter上でのいじめや誹謗中傷をなくすため、正しい情報リテラシーやコミュニケーションの本質を伝えるTwitter運用コンサルタントとしての活動に、使命を持って従事している。金融機関での経験は通算20年あり、不動産広告営業ではMVPを2回受賞し、国内メガバンク系証券会社では役員表彰を3回受けるなどの実績がある。上級SNSマネージャーの資格を保持。



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Original price4,000 JPY

Exchange rate

156.44 JPY=1 USD

Create articles about Japanese business, technology, culture, and cuisine!


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