Fortune-Enhancing Wallpaper for Success, Love, Business, and Finance
Fortune-Enhancing Wallpapers
Enhance prosperity, love, business, finances, and success in all aspects.
Can be set as both lock screen and home screen wallpapers. You can switch between them.
Or try switching versions to see which one works best for you.
Focus your mind, look at the wallpaper, and make a wish. State your full name, current house number, and your desired blessings.....
Try it out and observe the changes within yourself for a while. Results may appear as quickly as 1-2 weeks or as slowly as 1-2 months. If you see results, please leave a review.
Recommendation: *Recite "Namo" 3 times, then start chanting the Millionaire Mantra.
Sampachittachami Nasangsimo
Brahma Ja Mahateva Sabbe Yakha Parayanthi (Mantra to ward off obstacles)
Brahma Ja Mahateva Abhilabha Bhavantu Me (Hundred Thousand Wealth Mantra)
Mahapunnayo Mahalabho Bhavantu Me (Continuous Wealth Mantra)
Mitebahuhati (Millionaire Mantra)
Phutthamaau Namobuddhaya Viradayo Virakonayang Virahingsa
Viradasi Viradasa Viraiththiyo Phutthassa Maneemama Phutthassa Swaha (Paccekabuddha Mantra)
Sampattichami (Quick Wealth Mantra)
Peng Peng Pha Pha Ha Ha Re Re
It is recommended to chant at least 9 times a day, anytime.
Change for prosperity, Mu-Te-Lu to you!
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Original price699 THB
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33.56 THB=1 USD
Enhance Prosperity, Love, Business, Finances
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