I'll listen to all your worries and complaints. (Petit fortune telling)
Have you ever had a hard time?
Are you feeling sad because you can't tell anyone?
I want to... It's painful... I want you to listen to my story...
But I can't ask for help.
For those who spend such days.
It's okay to not suffer alone.
Your feelings, worries, pain...
The light, hopes, and dreams you carry...
Why don't you talk to me quietly?
It's okay not to talk about anything you don't want to talk about.
If you don't want to say your name, you don't have to. You can stop talking if you don't like it.
I won't deny anything.
I will prioritize your feelings.
Fun stories are also welcome.
Let's relax and talk.
If you have something to say, say it.
I hope I can be your ally.
you are not alone
So please come anytime.
At the end of the story, we will also do a little fortune-telling using tarot cards ♪
Subtract one card from 78 tarot cards.
I'll give you the message you need right now.
It's like a little fortune ☆
I hope you enjoy it too♪
To make your day a little brighter
I hope you find happiness ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )
Seller information
初めまして!りりと申しますm(*_ _)m タロットカードやオラクルカードを使った占いをやっております。 日々のちょっとした悩み、人生の過ごし方、何のために生まれてきたのか…色々と迷い、悩むことありますよね。 そんな時に寄り添いそっと背中を押してあげられるように、活動しております。 あなたも悩みを抱えてはいませんか? あなたの心を軽くするお手伝いが出来たらと思っております。 もしも言いたくないなら言わなくても大丈夫。 話聞いてほしいな…と思った時はいつでもお声がけ下さいね。 少しでもあなたの心が軽くなりますように。 毎日が輝きに満ちた素敵なものになっていきますように、お手伝いさせてくださいませ。
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Original price500 JPY
147.83 JPY=1 USD