I want to change my job! Predicting the time to change jobs
I want to change my job! I want to try new things!
When is it time to change jobs? Can I do what I want with my current job?
It is no exaggeration to say that work accounts for the majority of life's worries.
Human relations, work style, salary, future...
Once you come up with it, there's no end to it.
Even if I think about it myself and come up with an answer, it still doesn't make sense.
Are there any other good methods or options?
You often think that way.
In such a case, let's ask Tarot.
We will change the fortune-telling method according to the person's concerns and help guide them to the best answer and what they should choose now.
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はじめましてMANO(まーの)です。 インドでインド占星術を学びだし、その後タロット占いを取り入れた占術で鑑定を行っております。 ライトなお悩みからディープなお悩みまでお気軽にご相談ください。 タロットカードは自分では気づくことのないメッセージを運んでくれます。 カードからのメッセージを受け取り、自分らしく生きるお手伝いをさせていただければと思っております。
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Original price3,000 JPY
149.49 JPY=1 USD