We will listen to your concerns about sex that you cannot tell others about.
~Nice to meet you~
Please access from many products.
thank you.
I have been a nurse for over 20 years.
I am currently a visiting nurse.
~My past self~
Due to childhood trauma, I have gender aversion (fear of men).
He is a person who has been receiving ongoing counseling.
And without facing my own trauma
I was spending my time with a lid on my heart.
Learning about the human body at nursing school and breaking away from the boundaries of gender.
We have come to see it in the broad category of ``human beings''.
Overcoming gender aversion through nursing work.
I got married to my husband through an introduction from my classmates.
After that, she underwent infertility treatment and gave birth to a son.
After giving birth, I was unable to maintain a marital relationship with my husband.
Relationships are strained and family
It is no longer a safe and secure place.
I went to the hospital and was given oral medication, but there was no improvement.
The cause is childhood sexual trauma.
I managed to find it
Counselor specializing in sexlessness
Thanks to your help, I finally got rid of the trauma.
It took me three years to forgive myself and accept everything.
■It was a painful day of re-growing myself and draining the pus.■
Currently, I am repairing my relationship with my husband.
My family of three is living peacefully.
"It's only natural that we can have sex because we're partners."
Freed from the curse of
Accept your feelings of “not wanting to”,
Your own “true inner voice”
Would you like to listen to it together?
What has been possible until now
It won't be possible...
There's something burdening my heart
If you wake up often
It is said.
◇Please let me hear your story.
location with your partner
So that you can spend your time safely and securely
Please let me help you.
*Your private information and confidentiality are absolutely guaranteed.
I promise to protect you.
<<Requests regarding purchase>>
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We will respond via message.
◆For active nurses
Available hours are
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday➡21:00-24:00
It has become.
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If you have any questions, please let us know.
③When you receive the message
We will reply to you within 24 hours.
④Continuous chat dialogue format
If you would like to communicate with
One slot will be 90 minutes.
◆We may not be able to accommodate your request for an immediate response.
We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you.
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☆はじめまして☆ 人には言えない悩み・・・。 すれ違いで、不仲になっていませんか? 夫婦は生まれも育ちも違う二人が 自分の親・兄弟よりも長く生活していきます。 赤の他人同士。 人には言えない悩みも多数出てくるでしょう。 ・夜の夫婦生活 ・浪費、投資、ギャンブル ・不倫、浮気、婚外恋愛 etc... 産後のセックスレスから 夫と不仲になり もう一度、信頼関係を『新構築した』 【経験者】の看護師がお悩み相談 お受けします。 <過去の私> 幼少期にトラウマがあり 性嫌悪症(男性恐怖症)で カウンセリングを 受けていました。 心に蓋をして過ごして成長。 看護学校で人の体について学び 男女の性別の枠が外れ 「人間」という大きな括りで 捉えるようになり 「看護師」の仕事を通じて 性嫌悪症を克服しました。 結婚後は不妊治療し 自然妊娠で息子を授かり出産。 その後、夫との夫婦生活が 営めなくなりました。 身体的な原因かと病院受診し 通院しましたが、 改善しませんでした。 / 原因は、幼少期の性的なトラウマ。 \ トラウマと 向き合う事になります。 セックスレス専門の カウンセラーさんに お世話になり、トラウマを解消。 自己否定のマイナス状態から 自分を受け入れるように なるまで3年。 ■心の膿だしの苦しい日々■ <現在の私> 心が癒されて ありのままの 自分を受け入れられる ようになりました。 ◇夫婦関係のお悩み何でも お話ください◇ ※守秘義務は絶対に 守ることをお約束します。
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Original price1,500 JPY
156.32 JPY=1 USD