chat astrology appraisal
Appraisal time 30 minutes
We will respond to your concerns by making full use of many astrology techniques and oracle cards with astrology motifs.
We will work together to face your daily worries and crossroads in life.
Technique used
Solar return that captures your luck in the year
Horary to find the answer from the birthday of the question
A progress chart that reveals special moments in your life
Return of Saturn and Jupiter to find life's challenges and roles
Errational chart that improves your luck based on date and time, such as starting a business, getting married, moving, etc.
Transit chart to find the trigger for the situation to change
Synastry that sees through the feelings of two people based on their personalities
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Seller information
古代ギリシャから占星術にもたらされた哲学を大切にしながら、地球と星々との関係を顕すサイデリアル式による独自の鑑定を行う占星術師です。 与えられた性質や定めを深いテーマから扱っていきます。
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Original price6,000 JPY
147.83 JPY=1 USD