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We will create a Wordpress blog

We will create a blog using Wordpress.

Including Ameblo, it is not a free blog,

For those who want to start their own completely original blog...

We create blogs using Wordpress♪

Affiliates, shop sites, influencer activity blogs, etc.

We will help you create your own original blog, even a hobby blog.

This blog is created by an active web designer, so

However, for those who don't want to just paste a photo and be done with it... who want to be particular about the design and appearance...

Recommended ^^

■ About sales products

▼ Set contents

  • Online meeting (first time)
  • Support for acquiring your own domain/server (communication via messages)
  • Linking work after domain acquisition
  • Installing Wordpress and introducing themes
    (*You will be using a paid theme specified by our store)
  • Creation of TOP page
  • Creation of free pages (profile, information, etc.) (1P)
  • Banners (up to 3) *Prices are the same even if not required
  • Basic SEO measures
  • Operational guidance after completion (online or message)

Don't worry, you can start and manage a blog with just the above.

▼ Paid options
  • Add free page
  • Add contact form (using free form email)
  • Add contact form (original design)
  • SNS cooperation
  • Add email address
  • Blog management support (online guidance after delivery)
  • Others (Please contact us if you have any concerns or requests)

▼About costs
Skijan has a slightly higher price, but...
What kind of blog do you want to create, how should you run it, etc.
In order to create a blog that fulfills the detailed requests and thoughts of our customers,
It will be sold at this price m(__)m

We will do our best to make and provide quality products, so please feel free to contact us.

▼ About blog production

●Safe even for beginners ♪ Rather than just making it and finishing it, we will make it easy for customers to edit and produce it later.
Our store uses a paid WordPress theme.

●You can leave the design up to us♪
→ A rough image is fine.
A professional designer will carefully listen to your needs.

●It will be exhibited at a great price exclusive to Skijan.
→It will take approximately 15 to 20 days to complete.
The delivery schedule will be a little slow, but
That's why we are selling it at a lower price ^^
(If your schedule allows, you may be able to submit your application earlier.)

●We will deliver the product once the site is completed.
The header and banner you created will be sent separately in JPEG (or PNG), so
Please feel free to use it.

●The completed design is available on Skijan, our Instagram,
Our achievements are posted on our homepage, etc.

Please feel free to contact us even just for a consultation ^^
Thank you.


Do I need to prepare photos here?
If possible, we recommend that you take the photos or prepare them yourself, but for photos, please look for ones that match your image from free (or paid) material sites with which we have a contract.• Please rest assured that we will make a proposal.
Do I need to prepare the text here?
It's okay if it's just a brief description. However, depending on the content, I will be an amateur, so I will research and create as much as I can, so I think a customer who is an expert in that field will be more knowledgeable, so it is fine to do as much as possible, so please prepare the text. Thank you very much.
Can I expedite the delivery date?
Regarding this item, we will be listing it at a Skijan price, and by setting a slightly slower delivery date, we will be able to produce it at a cheaper price than the services we normally sell at our store. We may not be able to meet the delivery date. Depending on the date, we may be able to accommodate you as soon as there is space in our schedule, so please contact us before making your purchase.
Additional options

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初めまして。 フリーランスデザイナー まちでざ。のチサと申します。 まちでざ。は、 あなたの町のデザイン屋さん…をコンセプトに、気軽に通えるカフェやお気に入りのお店のように、あなたに寄り添い、丁寧なやり取りを心掛けております♪ デザイナーに依頼するのは初めて…という方にも、安心してやり取りしていただけるよう努めておりますので、まずはお気軽にご相談くださいね。 デザインについてわからない・忙しいから考える時間があまりない場合は、丸投げでも大歓迎です♪ イメージに合う素敵なデザインをご提案いたします。 ------* ▼ 制作内容 ・グラフィック・Webデザイン全般 出品していない商品につきましても、対応出来る場合もございますので、お気軽にメッセージよりご相談ください。 ・SNS画像・LINEメニュー等 インスタの投稿画像や、Twitterのカバー、プレゼント企画用の画像、LINEのリッチメニューやリッチメッセージ等も対応承っております。 ・オリジナル婚姻届け ・ペットの似顔絵イラスト風グッズ ・オリジナルノベルティ制作 ▼ 営業時間 平日10時~18時 (土日祝・GW・夏季・年末年始等は休業日となります) ▼ 使用ソフト・ツール Photoshop CC illustrator CC Adobe XD Adobe express Canva 宜しくお願いいたします^^



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