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Let buy

Skijan has 15 skill categories, so you're sure to find the skill you're interested in.
I will explain the process from how to search for services on Skijan to acquiring skills.


Process to acquire skills

The way to acquire skills in Skijan is very simple.
All you have to do is search for a skill, purchase it, and have it delivered through chat.

  1. You can easily search for your favorite skills based on many criteria such as skill category, price, and rating.
  2. Buy skills
  3. All communication is via chat, so you can easily and quickly check deliveries from sellers.

How to find skills

Find the skill you're interested in in 3 steps.

  • 01


    Search for skills

    Easily found using keywords, categories, and filtered searches

  • 02


    Check details

    Check not only the product page you are interested in, but also the seller's track record from the user page.

  • 03


    Compare skills

    If you register the skills you are interested in as favorites, you can easily compare them with other skills later.

tips_and_updatesWhat if you find a product you're interested in?
You can send a message to the seller from the product page or user page. By asking questions before purchasing, you can eliminate any concerns you may have about the service, so please take advantage of this.
Also, if you want a service with original specifications just for you, the seller may be able to fulfill your request using paid options. Please feel free to send a message to the seller.

Communication after purchase

Once payment is complete, you can start chatting with the seller.

tips_and_updatesNo personal information is displayed during interactions. That's why both sellers and buyers should be courteous.

  1. A chat screen will open when you select the purchased skill from My Page'sPurchaser Menu > Purchase Management.
  2. All communication related to communication and attachment of delivery data will be done via chat.
  3. Approval of delivery completion and confirmation/download of past attached data can be done from the transaction details screen (displayed by pressingthe menu icon ≡at the top right of the chat screen). Please note that you cannot approve the delivery completion until the seller reports that the delivery has been completed.
  4. The transaction is complete when the buyer approves the completion of the delivery. Then please leave a review. Please note that you will no longer be able to send messages on the chat screen 48 hours after approval. You can check past messages and download attached data.

About cancellation

Be sure to communicate clearly to avoid cancellations midway through.

notification_importantIf you have no choice but to cancel, the consent of both the seller and buyer is required. Take a record on the chat screen, and if consent is obtained, please request cancellation from the inquiry form. As a general rule, cancellations are not possible after the completion of delivery has been approved.

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