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Use as a mobile app

Use like a smartphone app

We will explain how to use Skijan anytime and anywhere with an app-like operation.


Use the web version like a smartphone app

You can place the Skijan icon on your home screen so that you can access Skijan as soon as you are interested in things such as contacting buyers and sellers, sales status, searching for new skills, etc. Furthermore, the smartphone version allows you to use the service with an app-like experience. Now, set up to use Skijan like an app, and access Skijan anytime and anywhere to buy and sell skills. The setting method is explained below.

For Android users

Click the Install Skijan button at the top of the Skijan home screen or in the footer area at the bottom of the page to open the Skijan explanation screen. When you press the install button, the Skijan icon will be displayed on your smartphone's home screen and you can use it like a smartphone app.

For iOS users

If you are using Safari, press the share icon and select Add to Home Screen . The Skijan icon will be displayed on your smartphone's home screen, and you can use it like a smartphone app.

For those using Google Chrome (desktop)

When you press the Install Skijan button in the footer area at the bottom of the page, an installation confirmation screen will open. When you press the install button on the confirmation screen, the Skijan icon will be displayed on your desktop, allowing you to access Skijan directly.

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