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I will teach you everything from the new NISA of Rakuten Securities to screen operations

〇Service Overview
I will teach you everything from opening a Rakuten Securities account to screen operations and settings via video chat!

30 minutes for 2500 yen
60 minutes for 5000 yen; I recommend 60 minutes to ensure you can complete the purchase on your own.

〇Consultation Topics
・I want to challenge stock investment because the Nikkei average stock price is rising!
・I'm worried about the future due to rising prices...
・I want to receive shareholder benefits and dividends.
・I don't know where to start.
・What is the new NISA?
・I can't ask anyone because there are no stock investors around me.
I hope to be of help to those with such concerns.

〇About Myself
I have been investing in stocks for 8 years, and the reason I started back then was that there happened to be someone at my previous company who was successful in stock investment. If I hadn't met that person, I might not be investing in stocks today.

I was able to learn a lot because that person was there, but I believe many people may not have someone like that.I wanted to help such individuals, so I created a menu for consultations on account opening settings andhow to use the screen interface. I am currently investing in stocks through the new NISA.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.

If you have any other questions like "Can I consult about this?"please feel free to reach out.

Request for Purchase
Please schedule for weekends or weekday evenings.
I would appreciate it if you could contact me first.
Additional options

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NDA concluded

◾︎自己紹介 ・30代前半 ・2年連続営業成績No.1 ・デザイン系コンサルティング営業(無形商材)  webマーケティングなど踏まえた  デザイン関連の無形商材を、コンサルティングしていました。 ・コンテンツ制作(SNS運用) ・企業SNS担当(Twitterアカウント対応) ・スマホ動画作成(ショート動画作成) ・Instagram・TikTok運用も対応可。 ご依頼主様の強みを活かした提案をさせていただきます。 毎日の仕事でoffice・Googleドキュメント、MAツール(Hubspot/クラウドサーカス)を使っています。 word(2級取得)/Excel(2級取得)/PowerPoint(約10年間毎日提案資料作っていました) ・SNS(Twitter/Facebook/TikTok/LINE/note/Instagram/楽天ROOM)一通り使っています。 ・趣味は資産形成です。株(日本株・米国株)/投資信託 など ・ABCブライダルプランナー検定(2級取得) ・マーケティング関連  「SEO検定3級」や「マーケティング・ビジネス技能検定C級」、「ネットマーケティング検定」取得。 リテラシーは高めですので、ご安心ください。 SNS運用にお困りのカ、売上が上がらず悩んでいる方など 私のスキルでサポートさせていただきますので お気軽にご相談ください。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。



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Original price2,500

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For those who want to try investing but are troubled because they don't know how to do it

Video call possible


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