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No genre required! I will talk to the animals at home.

I will talk to the animals at home.
Children who have crossed the rainbow bridge can also have a session if they have a photo.
Photos that clearly show the faces of your animals
Name, age, and gender of your animal
Rough family structure
Name of the person at home (Mom, Mother, etc.)
3 questions for the animals at home
Thank you for your support.
Based on the answers from the animal, we will also give advice on how to improve your concerns.
This is limited to animals at home (including children who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge).
We do not accept questions, messages, or diagnoses of diseases that we deem to be harmful to the animal.
We do not accept requests for investigations into missing animals, as circumstances may change and misunderstandings are likely to occur.
The animals you have at home vary in age, whether they have experience receiving animal communication, and their personalities.
We are reporting what you have told us without coloring it.
He rarely answered.
Thank you for your understanding, as there is a possibility that the answer you receive may be different from what you had in mind.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

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\お家の動物さんの声をお届け/ 虹の橋?を渡った子もお写真があればお話しできます。 IIACアニマルコミュニケーション国際ライセンス取得 樹脂粘土・軽量粘土で世界で1つの作品作り 人と動物さんがより仲良く、助け合える世界を目指して日々活動しています✨



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Original price4,500

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