We will arrange and record guitar and bass!
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This is a guitar and bass performance and recording service!
The sound created by Kemper and the line direct (Dry) that can be mixed freely later.
Two types will be available!
Service Details
Those who cannot play guitar or bass and are doing their best to reproduce it by typing.
I would like to have a temporary performance part to clarify the image of the music...
We will solve the problems of such people!
We can record a line with high quality KEMPER recording equipment, so you can consult with us on short notice.
We can respond immediately.
Acoustic guitar recording is also possible.
7-string guitars can be used.
[Job Description
Guitar-only and bass-only recordings are possible.
Both replacement from a hammering sound source and performance including arrangement are acceptable.
The arrangements can range from simple arrangements and arrangements to full-fledged arrangements.
Possible to create temporary 2-mix data with performance data.
Price negotiable depending on the length of the song.
Up to 2 trucks, more than 2 trucks at an additional charge
We will provide two types of recording data: Kemper-created sound and line-direct (Dry sound).
Also, in this case, it is treated as one track
-Recording format
Line recording by KEMPER
48khz-24bit/44.1khz16bit stereo recording
Line-recorded data will be delivered without plug-in effects.
We will give you the sound of the direct line as it is.
Other detailed requests are available upon request.
Additional options
Seller information
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Other services of Musical Instrument Performance
Original price10,000 JPY
Exchange rate
149.24 JPY=1 USD
We will deliver guitar and bass recorded with high quality equipment!
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