Death Voice! Singing! Recording!
Shouting violently!
Thank you for taking the time to read our article!
We offer affordable death voice recordings, whether original or cover!
You can request this service not only as a production take, but also as a tentative song to get an idea of what you are looking for!
The recording includes
Condenser microphones costing approximately $100,000
Microphone pre
Reflection filter
We use the above high-quality equipment to deliver high-quality sound data!
(A sample of his voice can be heard on YouTube.)
Lyrics are also available for an additional fee for original music!
Discounts are available depending on the amount of content included.
Service Details
We will record a death voice for the part you specify, regardless of whether it is an original or a cover song.
We will record the music based on the lyrics, images, and nuances you provide us in advance.
The death voice can be high, medium, medium-low, low...about 4 or 5 different types.
We will record the song the way you want it to be sung.
Unlimited number of revisions
The fee is for one truck (additional fee will be charged for multiple trucks).
For original music, lyrics are available for an additional fee.
Days to delivery
Minimum 2 or 3 days
We will deliver the data within one week.
(May vary slightly if the number of recorded tracks is large)
[Recording format].
RME Fire Face (audio interface)
WARMAUDIO WA-47F (Condenser microphone for about 100,000 yen!)
48khz-24bit/44.1khz-16bit wav
Room noise processing available
If you are interested, please contact us!
Additional options
Seller information
自己紹介をご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます!! フリーで活動しているミュージシャン、kirigirisuです!! 音楽制作全般の知識を有しておりますので 作曲、編曲、作詞、ボーカルミックス、ギター&ベースの演奏、デスボイスの収録などを承っております! また、今まで音楽経験を活かしたオンラインレッスンもご好評をいただいております。 【某サイトでの依頼の総数260突破!!】 【ギターレッスン動画9,000再生突破!!】 是非ご相談ください!!
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Other services of Vocal Recording
Original price4,000 JPY
Exchange rate
149.24 JPY=1 USD
From covers to originals! We bring you the ultra-radical death voice!
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