I will give lessons on how to use Cubase and composition techniques!
The number of requests at a certain site exceeded 70!
I want to create my own original music!
I want to be able to write songs at a level that can be distributed!
I want to form a band, but I don't have members or time!
I want to be able to make a demo soundtrack for the band!
I would like to be able to edit vocals for singing, etc!
We will be there for these problems and solve them together!
Of course, you can also consult with us about your composition and music-related problems... ♪
We have equipment for video calls to ensure high quality lessons!
We will provide thorough lessons on how to use CUBASE, the No. 1 DTM software in Japan.
Of course, we can also provide lessons on music theory and arranging techniques necessary for composition.
The goal is to
To "be able to write original music even from a music beginner."
1 lesson 30 min. 2,000 yen
After the lesson, there will be a 5~10 minute question and answer session, so you will have more than 5 minutes of real time to ask questions.
Lessons are offered.
Recommended for
I want to write music completely self-produced.
I want to reduce the cost of band activities.
Such as!
If you are able to do DTM, you will be able to complete and publish your own music as well as
If you learn to handle it well, you can even reduce the cost of making the band's music!
In this day and age, individuals can be very active!
Come and immerse yourself in the world of music with us.
Additional options
Seller information
自己紹介をご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます!! フリーで活動しているミュージシャン、kirigirisuです!! 音楽制作全般の知識を有しておりますので 作曲、編曲、作詞、ボーカルミックス、ギター&ベースの演奏、デスボイスの収録などを承っております! また、今まで音楽経験を活かしたオンラインレッスンもご好評をいただいております。 【某サイトでの依頼の総数260突破!!】 【ギターレッスン動画9,000再生突破!!】 是非ご相談ください!!
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Original price2,000 JPY
Exchange rate
149.24 JPY=1 USD
Lessons on how to use Cubase and compose music at home in your spare time!
Video call possible
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