Vocal mixing and mastering available!
Thank you for taking the time to read our article!
Many vocal mixing achievements!
Our artists, who have experience overseas, will make sure your vocals are beautiful.
Tracks to be edited are priced per track
(Data recorded separately for one track will be treated as one)
Pitch correction
Timing correction
Noise reduction to some extent
Creation of Hamori
Processing of effects such as kero-kero-kero-kero voice
Options include the creation of humming, the use of effects, and other authentic mixes,
We can even mix the entire project, including vocals.
Please contact us.
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自己紹介をご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます!! フリーで活動しているミュージシャン、kirigirisuです!! 音楽制作全般の知識を有しておりますので 作曲、編曲、作詞、ボーカルミックス、ギター&ベースの演奏、デスボイスの収録などを承っております! また、今まで音楽経験を活かしたオンラインレッスンもご好評をいただいております。 【某サイトでの依頼の総数260突破!!】 【ギターレッスン動画9,000再生突破!!】 是非ご相談ください!!
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Other services of Mixing & Mastering
Original price10,000 JPY
Exchange rate
149.24 JPY=1 USD
We will clean up your vocals for singing, etc.!
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